A good attitude, and an open mind. A sense of openness & a desire to learn are, by far, the most important things you can bring to this training.
Completion of a 200hr YTT, recommended. If you haven't completed a 200hr, and would still like to join us, you'll need to speak with our facilitator before signing up, to make sure this program is the right fit for you.
Ability to communicate in English.
Take 3 in-person yoga classes prior to training, with 3 different teachers that you respect, and write brief notes on each experience. Include in your notes specifically what you loved about the class, and what you would like to learn or embody from that teacher. Be Specific: notes might include sequencing, theme, specific knowledge, adjustments, language, physical presence, music, humour, etc. Please email these notes to prior to training.
Watch the Ayurveda Snax series on FigFlix. This series is included in your program payment. Once we receive your program deposit, we'll send you a link to access this series.
Watch the Anatomy Snax series on FigFlix. This series is included in your program payment. Once we receive your program deposit, we'll send you a link to access this series.
Required reading, below. Write a short commentary on each, and email finished commentaries (all attached as word docs or google docs, in one email, with the subject line: YTT book reports, trainee name) to prior to the start of the training. Books are purchased at the trainee’s expense. No need to bring these books to training with you.
Breath. The New Science of a Lost Art, by James Nestor
The Myth of Normal, by Gabor Maté.
Atlas of the Heart, by Brené Brown
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, by Don Miguel Ruiz
Recommended Reading
They’re varied in subject matter – choose areas of your particular interest. These are recommended, not required, and are listed in no particular order:
The Meaning of Namaste. (A wonderful article from the editors of Yoga Journal.)
Skill in Action. Michelle Cassandra Johnson. (This is a manual of social justice tools & skills to radicalize your Yoga practice to create a just world.)
Body3, by Tom Myers. (Tom Myers studied with icons like Ida Rolf, Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller, and with a variety of movement and manual therapy pioneers. Is this book, each chapter covers a region of the body in terms of the bones, joints, muscles and fascial structure embedded in Tom's unique view of evolution and development.)
Daring Greatly, or Rising Strong, both by Brené Brown. (Daring Greatly is required reading for our 200hr programs)
Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice. Mark Singleton (Demystifies where the yoga postures came from, and how old they actually are)
The Science of Yoga: The Risks and The Rewards. William Broad. (A lead science writer for The New York Times – and lifelong yoga practitioner – examines centuries of history and research to scrutinize the claims made about yoga for health, fitness, emotional wellbeing, sex, weight loss and healing.)
Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice. T.K.V. Desikachar (this is required for our 200hr. if you are not a grad of our program, and haven't read this, read it!)
A shared room for the duration of the course
3 farm-to-table vegetarian meals per day, for the duration of the course, including water from our spring, coffee roasted in-house, and herbal teas
Access to the entire 275 acre property, including bicycles, animals, and shoddy wifi
300 hours of Yoga Alliance education
The Sacred Fig Reader, covering an innovative curriculum based on accelerated learning principles
Access to online training materials
World renowned faculty - all experts in their fields
Access to The Sacred Fig global community of yogis
Support & mentorship from The Sacred Fig faculty, including post-training guidance
Recognition as a graduate from The Sacred Fig Yoga Education Program
*Pay in full before November 1st 2024 to take advantage of early bird rates. After Nov 1st, rates go up bt $250.
Schedule some time to talk through the details